Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ThE bIrThDaY gIrL....

Yep, yesterday was my birthday. I turned 29, yikes! I officially have less than 365 days until i turn the big 3-0! But, i am super exicted about this! I am going to live it up and enjoy the last days of my twenties and when 30 comes, i will be ready and willing! haha.., no really 30 is going to be a GREAT birthday!! I have goals..yes...many will not be reached before i enter the next decade, but hey...i'm a grown up, i bought a house!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

You are so cute! HAPPY BIRTHDAY...a little late. I hope you had a wonderful day, and I am excited to hear about the goals you make and the goals you complete. I do love your blog, cutie. And I do love being reconnected with you in this way. Thanks for the message on Facebook. I agree wholeheartedly.