I'm sitting here in my empty apartment. 611 is no longer my dwelling. it's definitely bittersweet, because i LOVE this apartment. it has so much personality and is just great. BUT, having your own home, must be better. i can't wait to live there too.
This is the front door to my building. i like the downtown feel, in such a teensy downtown. It's called Old Towne Portsmouth. I really like it..sigh..
So here is what is left of the best apartment ever!!
This is the front door to my building. i like the downtown feel, in such a teensy downtown. It's called Old Towne Portsmouth. I really like it..sigh..
So here is what is left of the best apartment ever!!
My living room...the exposed brick walls are my favorite...
The kitchen....some good cookin' went down here!! 
And my bedroom...more of the exposed brick...i LOVE it!!!

And my bedroom...more of the exposed brick...i LOVE it!!!
So, it seems the suburbs of pensacola are calling my name, but it's gonna be good! With that said, i say good-bye VA and this chapter of my life.