Well, i am fast approaching the day. the day i will no longer call virgina home. i mean, i guess the only things about this that cause me to be sad are my friends and virginia is for lovers, after all. I am ready to move on. my new house is say "kristi, come live in me" and that makes me smile. I am tired of going through the massive amounts of , yes, crap that one accumulates over the years and about 80% of it you really don't want or need. I have donated about 5, yes 5, 30 gallone trash bags full of clothes to the goodwill and sold 2 to plato's closet. can we say pack rat? or is that just sad? so yes, in the next few days i will load my car and start the next chapter in my life..woohoo! and the movers come tomorrow!!

OH! and this is why i will miss the VELLA GULF! the silliness! trying to find something fun in the not so fun. just making others laugh! this is kenny! kenny is super cool because his birthday is sept 2 too! only he's about 9 years younger than me, but that's ok. anyways, i'm assuming this was taken during sea an anchor as the ship was either enter or leaving cypress. they are on deployment right now, so remember to keep them in your prayers!